December 15, 2022

The true value of your offer

Today I have a few learnings for you on the subject of prices and the true value of your offers. A few insights into a burning topic that is an internal hurdle, especially in my 1:1 mentoring. As soon as it comes to setting an equivalent value, an appropriate price for your service.

How can you manage to communicate not just your time, but your value? And stick to your price – even if not everyone goes for your offer ? I would like to explain this to you in detail today.

Take a moment and intuitively reflect on a few medium-sized and larger things that you have invested in. Things or services that you have bought and afforded. And then make a note of why you were prepared to spend your money on them. Was it a person’s time? The material of an object? Was it a certain knowledge that you wanted to receive or was it a certain feeling that you hoped to get from your purchase? What did you think, with what intention did you make this purchase?

Perhaps you are like me in that the emotional value of an object, service or product is more important to you than the material value.

I personally believe that behind everything we buy is the desire to trigger a certain feeling in us. And I’ll be honest with you: I’d rather choose a better hotel that makes me feel like a princess. I’d rather take a pair of well-fitting jeans from my favorite brand that make me feel really comfortable. Or a bigger mentoring package that makes me feel like I can grow and blossom.

We want to create a fulfilling life for ourselves and are responsible for filling this life with value. Perhaps also with valuable things – and there don’t have to be many – that are full of emotional value.

And the emotional value we associate with offers is as individual as our DNA, evaluated through our own eyes based on our experiences, imprints, memories and knowledge.

Two weeks ago, I was at my grandparents’ house, both of whom are sadly no longer there, and we cleared out the house to make room for something new. Everyone in the family was allowed to choose and take items that were of value to them.

For example, I took the brass nutcracker with me, which can really pinch your fingers if you’re not careful. As a little girl, I often used to crack walnuts with my grandpa in the evening while we watched Dream Wedding with Linda de Mol together – some of you may still remember the show? And we often talked about what my wedding dress would look like or how I imagined my dream man. I felt so safe, protected and seen on those evenings. Emotions and memories that this nutcracker holds. I wouldn’t give it away for 100 euros, and it might only fetch 3.50 euros at a flea market.

My cousin has chosen a screw-top jar in which my grandmother made holes with a corkscrew to use as a salt shaker. This old jar with salt crusts that are perhaps 5 years old has stored memories of grandma for my cousin that I don’t have. I don’t need the glass. I walked through the house with my customized glasses.

And now transfer that to your products or your offer. It may be that not everyone is willing to pay X amount for your coaching or course because they don’t resonate with the value and that’s perfectly okay.

But. Those people who you can help to receive a certain emotion, an emotional added value from you, will value your offer. They will therefore appreciate it and be willing to invest in themselves for this transformation.

You are selling emotional values, not your time.

You create value, valuable moments and a transformationThe same goes for digital products. I hear it so often, if you sell this course passively, you don’t have to do anything for it, don’t you think that’s exaggerated?

No, it involves preparation and production. An author also makes an advance payment once and receives a passive income from his book afterwards. But it would be madness if he wrote a book for you for 29.90 every time.

If you want to sell something that has an emotional value. Then it will only work if you know this emotional value. If it also has this value for you and if it was very valuable to you at one time. You can’t sell without knowing this value.

And you see how much your offers here have to do with your own story. How your story and the hurdles you have overcome have given rise to values for you, medicine for a particular pain that you can now share.

You serve your customers and earn an appropriate return.

Not everyone needs this medicine right now and it’s okay that the price is too high for these people. It just means that this one, your transformation is not worth the money to them at the moment. They need something else. Look at that. They’re not rejecting you or your offer, they’re just choosing something else whose value they resonate with more right now.

A mentor for 50,000 euros who shows me how to make 7-digit sales is too expensive for me because these 7-digit sales currently have no emotional added value for me. For someone else, however, it might be just the right thing.

The investment in 1:1 support from me over 6 months, in which we build and expand your business, is also in the higher 4-digit range, because I know how much value we create for you in that time. You have a projector close by your side who sees you fully, then a finished website, unique branding, content strategy, a converting funnel, a growing email list and so on, items of value, a new consciousness that allows you to think new, bigger thoughts and really feel sublime emotions like gratitude, freedom or self-worth. But please, let’s never again convert serving with expertise and transformation into work time.

See if your offer also creates that one change that allows your customers to feel new certain emotions that they can’t access right now – without you.

Self-love coaching, finally feeling accepted and accepted when you look in the mirror. Anticipation and freedom when I book my trip to Japan at the travel agency. Security and well-being when I buy fresh carrots from the farmer next door. Even these carrots have an emotional value. Think about it.

It is these standards, these own value systems, that determine the price. And certainly not your time, your space costs or your working materials + 10%.

You are a projector with the ability to bring such deep transformation, guidance and wisdom into the world, regardless of the product. In doing so, you absorb so much energy from other people and take care to separate yourself again and again. Your whole system is involved in this exchange with people: whether they are sitting right in front of you or on the phone or whether they have bought an online course from you. As a projector, you deserve appreciation just for being there. And for everything else you do, you can be paid appropriately.

My wish for you is that you recognize your value. Everything that is valuable to you and has been at certain times in your life. That you recognize how you can go out with these real values confidently and self-assuredly with your offers. How to become visible so that you can inspire the group of people for whom they are made. People who can appreciate and see the value of it.

If this is your topic, then my online course A projector’s business is your next step.

But for today, it’s so nice to have you here. Thank you so much for reading me and seeing my depth. See you very soon on this blog, live or online!

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