You and I - we have an important mission: to make
Human Design projectors successful.
You are the bridge to the new, as a signpost – through your readings and individual guidance.
When the open heart leads to comparison and the need to prove, when the open root causes pressure and exhaustion.
If only he would live it – especially in business.
As a projector, I find my success in making others successful, so let’s make common cause.
Together we can – each in our own potential – trigger a real wave of success. Your ability to guide and inspire with love is a gift, and I am grateful when we join forces in a common direction.
I serve the projector:in with my structure channel 23-43
I deeply appreciate your work and your influence.
That’s why I offer you a commission of 10% for every successfully recommended 1:1 business mentoring and 20% for digital products.
As a business owner, you can also benefit personally: An exclusive 10% discount on the mentoring is of course also provided for you, as a thank you for your dedication and as support on your own path to a thriving business.
How nice that you want to be part of it! Here is a clear overview of how the two of us will get started together.
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Von der Technik bis zur Strategie: Du wirst nicht nur verstehen, wie E-Mail-Marketing funktioniert, sondern es sofort umsetzen können – authentisch und projectorlike.
Du spürst, dass du eine große Aufgabe auf diesem Planeten hast: Guidance. Es ist zeit, dich endlich zu zeigen!
Lerne, wie du unbegrenzt wachsen kannst, weil du dich abgrenzt.
Sichere dir deinen Guide mit 33 Business Tools als Goodie dazu!