Show yourself the way you want to be seen, and turn your uniqueness into a visible brand.

Forget all the trendy colors, Canva templates and other people's designs for a moment and find your unique self-expression that makes your business uncopyable.

Get my personal branding guide especially for projectors now, with tips from me as creative director and a Canva template for your new brand design. Just enter your first name and e-mail address. It won't cost you a penny.

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By clicking, you also sign up for my newsletter, where I regularly share new inspiration, motivation, and valuable insights with you. Pure love through Active Campaign. You can unsubscribe at any time.

This guide is for you

How would the universe
describe you in colors & shapes

After entering your e-mail address, you will receive the link to your pdf guide.

By clicking, you also sign up for my newsletter, where I regularly share new inspiration, motivation, and valuable insights with you. Pure love through Active Campaign. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Ready when you are.

As a brand & business mentor, with energy work and my expertise and experience as a creative director, I take you by the hand.

Hi, I'm Sophia. I can tell you a lot - and not just because I was at exactly the same point as you are now - and I know what it feels like. The fire that burns inside you when you have an idea that you need to bring into the world? And how it drives you crazy when you just don't know how to fully express yourself.

I embody spirituality, strategy and brand design all in one: after 10 years in marketing and as a creative director, I know how to convince customers of products and services. Thanks to my years of experience as a mentor for self-worth, I also have a whole range of tools at my fingertips that I can use to quickly release inner blocks and hurdles with you. As a caring coach, I have already been able to help 200+ clients to overcome their personal issues, some of which have been standing in their professional way for years.

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