What does that mean?
Maybe you’ve already taken the first steps in your business, or you’re still at the very beginning with a vision that feels like a vague cloud, waiting to take shape. And no matter how eager you are, no matter how hard you work, success still seems out of reach? Everything feels half-done, and when you compare yourself to others, you always feel like you can’t keep up. No one sees you in your full brilliance and depth because you don’t know where to start showing your gold, right?
You are energetically different, you do business differently. You are a Projector for whom a lot of advice and strategies out there just don’t work.
Maybe, like me, you often run out of energy when it comes to staying visible on Instagram. You regularly need to retreat, yet at the same time, you push yourself to be omnipresent beyond your limits because you feel like you have to.
Likewise, trying to do everything manually and on your own can lead to tasks remaining unfinished. It’s a constant battle with technology too, which drains energy and can be frustrating.
Often, we remain stuck in a waiting position instead of using the energy we do have. We wait for external permission instead of real invitations, and this can hinder progress.
In business, it’s crucial to understand yourself, your unique self-expression, and your intuition. Deep self-reflection empowers you to create your own strategies.
Your focused auraand the mysterious power of the niche can give you huge advantages in business. Discover how you can use these treasures to set yourself apart.
You exchange your time for money, but the real value of your offering, the transformation and depth you make possible for your clients, is independent of time.
Our magic words are Automation, Outsourcing, and Getting Work Done for You. Build a team and/or use amazing online tools to create time and space for creativity.
Your message deserves to be heard in your unique way. Discover your special channels, such as social media, blog, or podcast, to spread it and inspire the world.
Quality beats quantity, and true presence shows you as a role model instead of just portraying you. Full energy paired with a real message remains present in the field of your community,
We use our Projector aura to illuminate blind spots, connections, and potentials for ourselves and others, within a loving sisterhood. In calls every two weeks, you’ll have the important space to truly see yourself:
your niche, your unique positioning, your offers, and your way of communicating and selling.
Who are you and how do you want to be seen?
Your niche & target group
Who are you focusing on?
Your offer, product staircase & moneymindset
Personal branding, sales funnel & website
Your content strategy that turns followers into customers.
Testing, testing, testing, recalibrating, testing
“It’s been a wonderful 12 weeks, and I’m so glad you became my mentor. The best way I can describe your energy: it’s spot-on and always hits exactly where it’s needed, right when it’s time. You have so much know-how, so much knowledge, and expertise in Business Energetics, as well as marketing, websites, and everything energetically needed to be supported during this incredible journey toward building your own business.”
Self-Projector 6/2
Human Design Mentor for female projectors
Self-Projector 6/2
Splenic Projector 1/3
Emotional projector 5/1
5.555 €
Von der Technik bis zur Strategie: Du wirst nicht nur verstehen, wie E-Mail-Marketing funktioniert, sondern es sofort umsetzen können – authentisch und projectorlike.
Du spürst, dass du eine große Aufgabe auf diesem Planeten hast: Guidance. Es ist zeit, dich endlich zu zeigen!
Lerne, wie du unbegrenzt wachsen kannst, weil du dich abgrenzt.
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